At 10.30 on 18 May there are 6 led/coached kayak places remaining, suitable for beginners to WW (Cabins to Horseshoe, morning only) or intermediates (all day, on down to MEM). Please sign up if you'd like to join us. Call with any questions.
Our big Dee trip is only 5 days away, so time to sort the final arrangements.
I was at the Dee on Sat this last weekend, and it was very busy at Mile End Mill during the morning. As such, and in light of British Canoeing change in policy over shuttles, we have decided to revert to Plan A, as follows...
Meet at 08.45 at Log Cabins, West of Llangollen on the A5 as shown by the RED ARROW on the map and image below. We will off load kit, get changed etc there. PLEASE BRING CHANGE FOR PARKING / LAUNCHING AT CABINS, as can't remember how much it is...
We will then do a quick shuttle run, leaving some at Log Cabins with the kit. Those who will or may get off at Horseshoe Weir (GREEN ARROW below) will leave a car there.
Those who will go on down to Mile End Mill in the afternoon will leave a car there (ORANGE ARROW).
Aiming to be back at Log Cabins, safety briefing and on the water for 9.45, with a run down to Horseshoe Weir for picnic lunch. This is a grade 1/2 river suitable for all those booked on. You can decide whether to continue down when we get to the Weir.
Those finishing will then leave us here. The rest will carry on down on grade 2/3 water, starting with a launch off the Seal Launch, and a run on down to Mile End Mill, including each of the rapids there.
For those wishing, there will be the opportunity to run Serpents Tail on the way down, or to portage around it.
We should be finished down at Mile End Mill for about 4ish, give or take.
Please remember if paddling in the afternoon that you will need to book in online at Mile End Mill - search 'TNR OUTDOORS' to do so.
We have 24 people on the water, with a number of leaders and competent helpers, so its all good. Timings are approximate with this number of people - but we will aim to start on time at least!
Any questions, please give me or Nick (Lead Paddler) a shout.
Nick Morrall, Neil Gantley, Chris Humphries, Brian Wenlock and Dave Butler supported by Andy Brooker and Grant McKelvie are running a day on the Dee on G1 and G2 white water. The event will be suitable for anyone competent on sheltered water, and perhaps has had a couple of sessions on white water. You will need to be confident with a capsize and exit from your boat, and have the ability to maintain a sense of humour.
These are great Club Activities, and well worth coming along for a fun and happy day with fellow club members and friends.
There are 15 WW kayak coached / led places, and 4 Open Canoe places available. Please note that Open Canoe places are led only - attendees should have suitable competency for the Dee G2/3
It is hoped to camp the Friday evening, this will be looked into as Covid restrictions continue to ease. Registrants will be emailed separately about this in May.
All paddlers must book on at Mile End Mill prior to the event here at TNR OUTDOORS BOOKING. It is £6 per head, each paddler paying own way.
Kit Requirements
You will need wet or dry suit, boat with air bags, buoyancy aid, spray deck, helmet, paddle, shoes to paddle in, drinks and snacks, and warm clothes to change into at the end of the day. You will be responsible for getting your kit to the Dee, or arranging transport.
Grant will open the container at 6.45 on Thus 20th May for anyone needing kit from the container. This must be returned to the Club by 5.45 on Monday 24th May. Please advise if you will need any club kit.
Please select the 'Coached Kayak' session if you would like to be coached or led in a kayak during the day.
Please select the 'Non-coached' session if you would like to come along as a Club Member to this organised event. You will be responsible for your own safety and decisions, akin to a Peer Paddle. Note that the day will be under the supervision of Nick as Lead Paddler.