Shrewsbury Canoe Club

Tryweryn WW Trip - CLUB TRIP

  • 17 Jul 2021
  • 09:30


  • Equivalent to Peer Paddle

Registration is closed

Simon Pond, Tom Hyde and Steve Saunders will be running an introduction day on the upper Tryweryn for 6 coached paddlers.

We will take 6 pupils for the day, but when on the upper Tryweryn only 3 will be on water the other 3 will be on land. We will lead three paddlers down the upper, as a group of 6.

In the afternoon, form up as a group of 9 to run the lower to Bala, including Bala Mill Falls.

Competent paddlers are more than welcome to come and paddle as a non-coached group, close to Shaun and I, but NOT part of our group. Such paddlers will need to make their own decisions and be responsible for themselves on the day.

There is a charge from Tryweryn for day tickets, that the individual will have to source. This is all dependant on Tryweryn releasing. If not, we will do something similar, with laps of the Dee, up canal from Llangollen, down Dee, Serpents, Mill and Town Falls, been the last option. It's a nice run but I leave the Dee till no water elsewhere.

Paddlers to sort own equipment, can be hired from the Club via the boat hire pages on the website.

This is grade 3, with a bit of 4. I need the pupils to of had some experience. Comfortable on Mile End Mill, done lower Tryweryn successfully, failed run on upper, or similar. If you're not sure of your ability give me a ring or email

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