Dave B is running this year’s Christmas Pud Paddle on the 27th of December. Due to the surge in co-vid cases and to the omicron variant the normal programme will be altered in two significant respects: -
- 1. There will be no shuttling of cars and therefore the paddle will be a “there and back” trip on the canal.
- 2. There will be no mass visit to a pub for drinks /for a meal after the paddle is over.
But this will still be a fun paddle for anyone with good basic boat control.
If you need a club boat you should make contact with a keyholder as soon as possible to arrange to collect kit from the containers at a mutually convenient time between now and the 27th. (I can meet you at the containers on Tuesday 21st around 5-6pm. ring me on07706191995 if you want this. Kit can be returned to the containers by appointment with a keyholder or to Andy Brooker at his home in Upton Magna (which saves a keyholder having to make lots of trips to the container to receive returned kit in dribs and drabs.) Usual boat hire charges apply.
We will be paddling through the Chirk tunnel twice and headtorches will be essential.
Stand up Paddleboards might just be OK for competent paddlers wearing helmets who are prepared to kneel or sit whilst paddling the length of the tunnel. Standing up on a board in the tunnel is not appropriate (too dark, too much risk of banging your head on the tunnel roof or on the walk way if you fall off). If you are going to padddle a SUP thorugh the tunnel a helmet is trongly recommended.
All other types of boat will be fine.
We will meet and launch at the public car park just north of the Poachers public house at Chirk Bank on the B 5070 for 0945am. Assuming I get another coach/leader there will be 2 groups.. Group A will go from the put in to around the Chirk Marina (precise destination depending on group size, speed, stamina), stop for an early lunch and then paddle back. Distance about 6 miles. Expect to go at a speed suitable for a youth sized ww kayak.
Group B will be for longer faster boats and will go up to and across the aqueduct to Trevor Basin before lunch and turning round. Distance about 14 miles.
Kit list: boat/paddle/deck/airbags/BA/headtorch/warm/windproof clothing to wear on the water (include hat and gloves or pogies), spare warm layer in dry bag to go in the boat and a change of clothes to stay in the car)/packed lunch and hot flask.
and if you have them: bivvy bag/group shelter/ tow line/first aid.