Hello, all members of Shrewsbury Canoe Club are invited to the Club's Annual General Meeting and social event at Corbett Arms, Uffington, Shrewsbury on 25 April 2022. A GoogleMeet option is available for anyone not able to attend in person. Please click this link to join - CLICK HERE FOR MEETING LINK
The bar will open at 18.00, ahead of a 19.00 AGM start time. The bar will open again at 20.00 for the follow up social event.
The meeting is intended to last no longer than an hour when the Committee will;
- Provide an update of the highlights of the last year and the current financial position
- Describe plans for the coming year
- Dissolve the current committee and elect members to the Committee for the coming year
- Discuss any other matters arising
Members are asked to provide in writing any matters for discussion at the AGM to at least 5 days prior to the meeting. Matters should be nominated and seconded by two members. This includes any nominations for the Club committee roles.
The Club's constitution permits 15 Members to be members of the Committee, which holds the authority to manage the Club as it democratically sees fit. A copy of the Club constitution is available on the website here: Constitution
The constitution defines 8 specific roles and 7 general committee members. The Committee has agreed to define specific responsibilities to the General Members for 2022/23. This is not considered a change to the constitution, but allows for greater sharing of the activities necessary for the effective running of the club.
The following Committee roles are required to be filled for the year ahead.
- Chairperson (existing role)
- Vice Chairperson (existing role, not filled)
- Secretary (existing role)
- Treasurer (existing role)
- Membership Secretary (existing role)
- Equipment Officer (existing role)
- Safety Officer (existing role)
- Coach Coordinator (existing role)
- Communications Officer (new role)
- #ShePaddles Officer (new role)
- 4x Discipline Leads - Flat Water, White Water, Sea and Polo (currently represented by General Members)
Each of the roles are described in the job descriptions available here: Purpose and Roles of the Committee. Each of the roles are available to receive nominations for vote at the AGM. Please get in contact with Grant McKelvie or Nick Morrall if you are interested in any of the roles - we'd love you to get involved.
Any member is welcome to attend any of the Committee meetings, which take place on the 1st Thus of every other month starting in May. Members are welcome to contribute to meetings, propose trips and events, and generally contribute to the Club. Just ask the Secretary for dial in details. The minutes of all committee meetings are published here: Committee Meeting Notes
On behalf of the Committee, I hope to see as many members as possible at the meeting, and more importantly at the following social event - who knows what adventures will be planned that evening!
Kind regards,
Grant McKelvie
Club Secretary