Sea kayaking development weekend
NOTE - THIS WILL NOW BE ONE DAY ONLY, SUNDAY 14 AUGUST, not two days as previously advertised.
Dave Southern will be running a sea kayaking development day on Sunday 14 August. This is mainly aimed at members going on the September Mull trip, but others are welcome. Exact location will be based on weather and sea state closer to the time.
Dave is the club safety officer, and we want all paddlers on the Mull trip to have paddled with Dave before September. This weekend will be a good opportunity to do so.
The trip will include both a led group and an experienced peer paddler group.
Cost: There is no cost, though there might be parking charges.
Location: Probably North Wales, exact location to be decided week of the trip.
Led paddlers: Dave will lead 6 paddlers. You need to be able to paddle a sea kayak and have a confident capsize.
Peer paddlers: need to be able to make judgements as to the suitability of yourself, your kit and your skills in the prevailing conditions, and take responsibility for yourself and your fellow peer paddlers.
Trainee leaders: if you are a trainee leader, and would like to help Dave, for log book experience, please choose the "Trainee leader" option when registering.
Registration: The trip is only open to registered members of the club. There will be unlimited peer paddler places. There will be 6 led paddler places. We will run a waiting list for led paddlers - please put yourself on it if the trip fills up, in case of cancellations etc
Club boats: Club sea kayaks are available for hire. If you wish to use one, please arrange for and pay for this separately.
Kit list
Paddling basics - everyone is expected to have these:
- Suitable paddling clothes
- Suitable paddling footwear
- Buoyancy aid
- Whistle (e.g. attached to BA)
- Spray deck
- Paddles
- Helmet
- Sunhat and sunglasses
- Suncream
- Warm hat
- Phone in a submersible waterproof phone pouch
- Snack bars accessible while paddling (eg in BA)
- Food for lunch
- Water accessible while paddling
- Sponge - not essential, but good for your comfort
Emergency kit - all peer paddlers are expected to carry these items. Led paddlers, please do bring if you have them, but do not buy especially - we will discuss kit:
- Spare split paddles
- Paddle float
- Pump
- Tow line
- Contact tow
- Knife
- Sling and karabiners
- First aid kit
- Survival bag
- Repair kit
- Maps, charts, compass, navigation kit, waterproof map case
- Head torch and spare batteries
- Communication: each group of paddlers should carry several different ways of communicating with the emergency services and attracting attention, such as VHF radio, phone, PLB, flares, strobes