Shrewsbury Canoe Club

Coastal Navigation & Tidal Planning Course - ONE DAY

  • 4 Feb 2023
  • 5 Feb 2023
  • Hanwood Village Hall, Shrewsbury, SY5 8JN


  • This is the booking for the SATURDAY session. You will not need to attend the Sunday session.
  • This is the booking for the SUNDAY session. You will not need to attend the Saturday session.

Registration is closed

Coastal Navigation and Tidal Planning course - ONE DAY

CNTP is a land / desk based course for sea kayakers. The aim is to give participants the tools to enable them to plan and navigate effectively on coastal journeys in moderate sea conditions i.e. coastal journeys including islands up to 2 nautical miles offshore in areas of tidal movement up to 2 knots.

You can find the syllabus here:

The course would be run by Sue Couling, one of the country's top sea kayak coaches and a member of Shrewsbury club. 

There are 24 places available across 2 days - you will only attend on one of the days. PLEASE CHOOSE WHICH DAY YOU WISH TO ATTEND THE POINT OF BOOKING.

The fee includes the venue hire. Please bring your own refreshments and lunch.

Bookings are non-refundable due to the cost incurred by the Club. 

All the best

Caroline (Sea Kayak)

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