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Shrewsbury Canoe Club
River Usk White Water Day Trip Grade 3
25 Mar 2023
10:00 - 17:00
Tal y Bont on Usk
Lead Group
If you want to be part of the lead group please select here.
Peer Paddle
If you want to be part of the peer paddle separate to the lead group please select here.
Matt will be running a lead WW day trip to the Usk (just beyond Brecon) starting/meeting at Tal Y Bont - On - Usk, paddling about 12km through some stunning white water and scenery to Crickhowell.
This section of river is grade 3 and at high levels grade 3 -4, a decision closer to the time will be made whether to paddle the Usk or the Wye nearby if it is too high.
This paddle is excellent as it slowly increases from flat (grd 2) to some natural weir drops (grd 3) then decreases slowly in grade to Crickhowell.
This trip is aimed at paddlers who have good grade 2 paddling skills, has experienced some grade 3 environment and has experienced a capsize and knows what too do in fast flow as a minimum.
I am offering this as a limited lead trip and peer paddle separate to the lead group, lead places will increase with leaders agreeing to help out.
Paddlers must take as a minimum; Suitable white water kayak (No playboats). Paddle, BA, Helmet, Spray deck, Throwline, Cag/Wetsuit as a minimum, Suitable footwear, Food/Drink and Whistle. All can be hired from the container.
Please get in touch if you have any queries about this trip.
Happy paddling, Matt 07549528735
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