Shrewsbury Canoe Club

Intermediate White water trip

  • 23 Apr 2023
  • 09:30 - 15:00
  • TBC-Mid/North wales
  • 0


  • Has been on White water trips previously and can attempt a roll. Super comfortable on grade 2 wants to push beyond Grade 3.
  • Qualified leader or coach- let Toby Know if you book on so he can increase the led paddler number.

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Short Notice-Intermediate White water trip

Toby Roberts, Steve Thomas and Nick Morrall are plotting (a requested) Intermediate led WW trip on Sunday 23rd April 2023.

This is for the intermediate white water paddler and is a lead trip. Not a coached session.

An attempt at a roll and previous trips completed are requested but get in contact if your unsure.

Currently limiting group size to me and 5 led paddlers . If another coach/leader wants to tags along and create a second group numbers could increase so add yourself to the waiting list if the trip is full. 

Venue-water levels will dictate.  As it's April Showers, I am hoping for a natural river.  My plan A is: Vyrnwy (with water)

My paddling options will always be a natural river first, if none, Tryweryn,Dee(classic or Lower). 

Looking to be on the water for 11 but times and meeting points to be defined closer to the time.

any boat bookings will need to be arranged in advance as i am not travelling past the containers.

Toby Roberts

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